Military police are brave individuals, who protect the lives and surroundings of those on Army bases. They are in charge of enforcing discipline, maintaining law and order and working in the military environment.
Individuals in the military also control traffic, respond to emergencies and prevent crime, like usual officers in the police force. However, they protect the military and the country, rather than specific citizens. They carry out commands rather than civic duties.

Role in Society
Military Police have combat zone responsibilities along with their everyday duties they must carry out as law enforcement.
Some of their roles include, patrolling, area damage, ‘mounted and dismounted patrols, response force operations, area damage control, route reconnaissance, cordon and search operations, and convoy and personnel escorts’ – these are all on top of all their normal duties.
Testing, Testing
People who want to serve in the militant force must take a series of tests, also known as the ‘Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery’ or ASVAB test. These trials will help the individual trying out, decide if they are capable of the job, and also identify their strengths and weaknesses so they know what part of the army would be best for them. The test is multiple choice and signifies whether you’ll qualify for the force or not. You can take practice tests online, with topics including science, electronics, mathematics and mechanics. People wanting to go into the Air Force must have an overall score of at least 36, however some exceptions have been known to be made. It is developed and maintained by the Department of Defense.
Similarities to the Police
Although police officers and the military police both have the same career term in their name, they are both very different roles with very different duties and training.
The Military and the police do share some similarities, people enlist to protect and service their country and its inhabitants and can legally bear arms. They both enforce the law and have rules and regulations to abide by.
However, there are variations on how police and members of the military are trained – with different end goals in mind. Also, police officers are more involved in the day to day lives of normal citizens in their local area and keeping the peace in their district. The military police are more involved in foreign lands and keeping an eye on the borders between countries.
The military police aren’t accountable to the public or their fellow colleagues, they hold their duty to their commands, whereas police officers must have the public and the community’s best interests at heart. Military police must follow civic law, but also acknowledge the military’s own laws and rules. They are also more geared towards combat and are trained more intensely for situations that will mean they have to fight.
Although they both have the role of ‘police’ in their name, they are both very different positions in society and the force. Their different training processes reflect this – those who want to be in the military police require ‘twenty weeks of One Station Unit Training and on-the-job instruction in police methods’.
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